Friday, April 12, 2019

Making Character Sheets

Perhaps this is a little foolhardy, the way I have chosen to share my work, deliberately hiding most of the written word and whatnot, but I'm passionate about what I do and I'm also very protective of my dreams and goals, so there!!

> . <

I got started on this project, this roleplaying game I've been working on...a few years ago? *cringe* I knew I wanted to get as far away from what was considered conventional, and at the same time create something that is a loose nod in the direction of those old school RPG's that I grew up with. But can you play it the way I want to do it, without sitting there all day, whittling  away at one enemy??!? Or will it run smoothly?? The answer to those questions will have to wait. In chronological order, these are my character sheets, progressing from beginning to most recent, though I'm saving the holy grail (the final version) until I'm ready to send it all to Library of Congress. I'm funny that way. :-) 
This one was sort of a wee joke. I especially love the two fists. This was about as no frills as you could get, and at the time I had considered it as a practice sheet and nothing more. Just something to test the gameplay on. That very same gameplay which will need much much MUCH more testing, in the end. Yeah.
This one followed. Still wasn't getting too serious about it, but you can tell at this point that I was trying to be serious, at least. You can tell that, right??
This is where things started to get serious, but I can't tell you all the details. Basically this version paved the way to where it is now, only now it's so much more lavish!! I think. In the original of this version, these colored squares are much more interesting, with something written in each one. I've chosen to leave that out, as it would give away my ideas. Sorry, Charlie! 
This is where I started to get really excited about making a REAL character sheet, but the more things I added, the more I feared people would think I was trying to compete with AD&D. So I deleted some things, and added some other stuff. I especially liked the frame on this one. It's in the finalized version, but I couldn't get the corners to look right, so I just simplified. It's a shame, too. I liked those leaf things. :-) I also like the literal moral compass. A sort of simplified (I thought) version of AD&D's alignment chart. But I needed to get as far away from competing with D&D (or looking like I was) as I could. I'm not sure I succeeded. I hope I did. "Or this is gonna be one short trip."
With the exception of a few things and LOTS of window dressing, this is pretty much how the final version looks. Almost looks like a video game UI, in a way. I dig that!! I love these hexagons too. :-) Heh. Can't wait to disclose that, some day!! I've given myself the deadline of my birthday in July. If I cannot get everything ready for a playable set (rules, custom dice, maps, character sheets, etc), then I'll have no choice but to postpone to work on other projects I have on the back burner. Fingers crossed!!


Sunday, April 7, 2019

Doing it the Wrong Way, But it's Turning out so GOOD!!!

You ever look at your artwork and you just know you're doing it all wrong, but at the same time you feel overcome with joy because it's turning out so great?? Ah. I knew it was just me! Now the way you're supposed to do this is to take actual continents from an atlas, get them copied, enlarged etc, put tracing paper over them and start improving on nature. That's how you're supposed to do it. That's illustration, baby. 

And that's not what I'm doing. I'm doing it the hard way and because I had to go and do it....the hard way, it's taking a long time to get done. Naturally. Big surprise, right??!? But they look so GOOOOOOOOD!!!!!

You can tell I'm excited, right? Good. Thought so. Have a look, though I've still a LONG way to go, and I have obviously omitted certain things from public view, such as province names, cities, etc. 

Kinda looks like the U.S. doesn't it?? I think that might've been a happy accident. Lesson learned, though. Next time, I will be doing it the right way!! I can hear my illustration teacher in the back of my head!! *looks guilty*