Sunday, April 7, 2019

Doing it the Wrong Way, But it's Turning out so GOOD!!!

You ever look at your artwork and you just know you're doing it all wrong, but at the same time you feel overcome with joy because it's turning out so great?? Ah. I knew it was just me! Now the way you're supposed to do this is to take actual continents from an atlas, get them copied, enlarged etc, put tracing paper over them and start improving on nature. That's how you're supposed to do it. That's illustration, baby. 

And that's not what I'm doing. I'm doing it the hard way and because I had to go and do it....the hard way, it's taking a long time to get done. Naturally. Big surprise, right??!? But they look so GOOOOOOOOD!!!!!

You can tell I'm excited, right? Good. Thought so. Have a look, though I've still a LONG way to go, and I have obviously omitted certain things from public view, such as province names, cities, etc. 

Kinda looks like the U.S. doesn't it?? I think that might've been a happy accident. Lesson learned, though. Next time, I will be doing it the right way!! I can hear my illustration teacher in the back of my head!! *looks guilty*


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