Thursday, January 16, 2020

Cute and Creepy! ^ . ^

Let’s face it. I pretty much suck at social media. But that’s no excuse to go so long (last post was in May) without blogging. So here goes. . .

2019 was a brutal year for me and my family. There were a handful of deaths in the family, and someone very close to me had a stroke! Yeah. Needless to say, I’ve got my fingers crossed that 2020’s going to turn out infinitesimally better. 

But not all of 2019 was negative. From the creativity point of view, I continued laboring over my tabletop roleplaying game, which I hope to finish in 2020 (vanilla expansion, etc. Whatever they call it. I’m old. LOL). However, I also sat on my arse a lot, so. . .

Anyway, I’m proud….no. I’m grateful. Grateful to be finished with a design I’d hoped to finish last year. I like ‘im. Love 'im, actually. 

He's that all-too-popular mixture of cute/creepy, and though I detest pretty much all things popular (except for Guardians of the Galaxy, Shazam, New Voltron and some other stuffs), I really dig the way this turned out, I must say. 

It's an owl. Forgot to mention that. Well, maybe it's not an owl, per se, but an apparition that assumes the form of an owl. Or it's an apparition of an owl. Your choice, peeps.  Also included a progress...progressy...thing. 

On the progression...thing...there is a difference between every single rendering. Trust me. (Shyeah, right!) 6 has only one line, in addition to 5. I made symmetrical the nose. Sorry for the watermarks (not sorry, actually), but what’s mine is not least not until I put it on a product and sell it. 😉 Tootles. And enjoy cut/creepy. By for now. Next post is in 2021!! Kidding. Kidding.


All images (below) © Stephen L Morris 2020

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