Friday, March 29, 2019

My Very Own Voodoo Glow Skull (except it's not voodoo and doesn't glow)!!

Not that anybody asked, but if you are at all interested in a career in the arts, my strongest suggestion is that you make sure you have that little piece of paper that says degree. 
Now I've only achieved an associate's in Illustration but I was there for 8 years, and that was thanks to a particular teacher who taught such classes as Comic Book Illustration, Dimensional Illustration, Mask Making, Fantasy Illustration and 3D Studio: Miniature Set Design. But that's a whole other post that I shall have to make at some point. 
The purpose of this post is to talk about today's sketch. You see, I work with photo scrap, but I also work out of my head. If you ignore the rules (like I do) you're going to get abnormalities and distortions. Though they kind of work for this guy! Currently working on a symmetrical version of this character. I'm currently working on the amped up sellout version of this. I could easily see this guy (last one at the bottom of the post, though finished) on a kid's skateboard!! I just might have to put one on mine, too!! \m/


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