Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Progress is Progress

At this point I can honestly say I feel I've got a good chance of getting at least a remarkable chunk of this done, if not the whole thing. The goal here is to complete everything that one would require to learn, play and run the game: character sheets, maps, classes, races, weapons, armor, player rules, GM rules, adventures, dungeons, maps, dice, the works! So kind of like a basic starter set.

Strangely, however, the hard part has been all the artwork that is needed. I mean, you'd think that would be the easy part for me but lately I've really been dreading all the character designs, creature designs and so forth required. I mean I literally need artwork on almost every single page. That's a lot, but it has to be done. 

I've set a deadline for my birthday in July, just to see how much I could get done, though I think I may have a better chance of project completion  by the end of the year!!!! 

If you are wondering something along the lines of "dude, why don't you just get a Kickstarter or GoFundMe" the answer is that money is not really the issue on this particular project and I'm kind of into getting there on my own steam. Nothing against those that do start one of these accounts. 

Anyway, this checklist (below) represents the bulk of this project, though the item titled Character Sheet Item Descriptions should be under Writing, not Artwork. Sorry about that. Oh, and it should read Weapons and Armor Art at the bottom. I can't type!  🤣 Thanks for playing!!

^ . ^


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