Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Steak n Shake Sketching with Foray Rollerball

So just last week, I found myself in the Steak -n- Shake on Kendall drive, Miami Florida not once but twice. I stop by there periodically with my family and friends, and usually for milkshakes. 


Anyway, last week we happened by and on both occasions I made a cool little sketch on the back of my place-mat. Y'know, that little sheet of paper they sit in front of you that has some nasty looking new 'flavor' of milkshake on it? Lately I think it's...Strawberry cheesecake, or something??!? 

Hey. Each to their own and all that but that new stuff does NOT look appetizing to yours truly, though lately I've been getting a half and half Reese's brand peanut butter & vanilla, and it is just divine! Or at least I think so, but different strokes for different folks! Life is far too short to spend squabbling about how the whole world should see things your way! 😉

Moving on. The following sketches are an improvement for me. Usually I just stare blankly at the back of my place-mat, wondering what to draw. But on both occasions, I thought of an object, and the drawing evolved from there!!

So I wanted to do a take off the ol' scarecrow thang, but as a birdhouse. To begin with, I was actually thinking 'wooden robot,' and the rest just happened. A friend that was sitting with us asked how that idea of all ideas popped in my head. I was more than happy to tell her exactly what I've just told you. It's not often I get to brag about what I do, not that you should brag.

On this one, I was thinking of one of those radios from the 1930s. The ones with the wooden cabinet, and still semi in the style of Art Nouveau. Why does everything gotta be streamlined? I like retro. Hell, I like rustic. Just because the insides are state of the art doesn't mean it's outside have to match!! Live a little, people!!!! I guess this little guy's head is pretty much the radio I was thinking of. I gooned the body. And all of this was done with a blue Foray Rolle Rollerball ink pen. The rest is mostly just making my scan look like something. Cool, huh?? Thanks for reading!!

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