Wednesday, May 27, 2020

A Virtually Politics Free Zone. Pretty Close, Anyway

Are you sick and tired of all the politics, everywhere you go? Do you feel there is no escape from it? If this sounds anything at all like you, then look no further, for you’ve definitely come to the right place. Here at The Creative Knuckledragger, its Facebook page, Instagram and Pinterest accounts (so far), I am happy to tell you that, with very minimal exceptions, there will be no political posts. 

I say ‘minimal exceptions,’ because on the Facebook page (May 3rd), I made the decision to comment about the benefits of wearing a mask and gloves in public. I was prompted to do so, given the amount of people I’d seen without them. I won’t get into the propaganda and anti-propaganda surrounding the US.’s current crisis. What you choose to believe is up to you and you alone.

I am, and perhaps to some extent always will be a walking contradiction. I can’t help it. Sometimes I feel I just have to hop on that bandwagon. Sigh. That being said, I’m making the decision right here and now to post about this topic in order to let my followers know my intentions. I honestly believe this blog will be most interesting sans the political input.

...not much else to say on that subject, so this will be a shorter post than typical. Thanks for reading this blog. Look forward to the weekly post on Friday or Saturday.



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