Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Hero Forge Custom Miniatures

My current labor of love is a self-made original tabletop role-playing game. I have wanted to do this for over 25 years. It's finally happening!

The project, that is. I'm nowhere near even remotely finished. I spent at least a year or two *blush* on the written part of it. I'm actually still writing the written part. The rules, characters, classes, origins, the whole ball of wax. Basically, the project is everything an individual needs to start playing: maps, custom dice, adventures, GM rules, player rules, all of it!!!!

And that's not counting all the artwork I still have yet to do!! I sometimes wonder if my aim is way higher than my batting average. I mean, I'm aiming at the damn stars, here! 

I've set a deadline. The deadline for this project is 7-30-19, but I seriously doubt if I'll be able to make it. The plan is to see what I've accomplished by then. If I'm close to finished, I'll dedicate the rest of the year to the project. If not, I'll have to devote the remainder of the year to other projects I have on the back burner.

I recently discovered something that is making it easier for me to describe my classes, origins and NPC characters. It's called Hero Forge.

Now for those of you who have been living under a rock (like me), it's an online business that lets you design, customize, and if necessary pay for your very own miniature figurine. I so needed this as a kid!

Here are a few of the templates I've made, but let me just say there are SO many more things you can with Hero Forge. These were made back in January, so they're a trifle dated. Here's a link:

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